Monday, October 20, 2008

Final project scope

The project that I picked to shave down to a somewhat reasonable scope from last class is the new media parade project. I think that if gone about in a legal fashion, the project might actually be somewhat feasible. For instance, if a permit was acquired, and the pants cannons aimed not at people's heads, then lawsuits could be avoided. Also, the cars following eachother with a projector and another with a screen showing new media artwork is a good idea, just fitting it into a budget will be the tricky part. But really I think that the best idea might be to make the entire parade in digital format following the original project scope. It would be possible to do this in Second Life, and after creation the parade could continue parading about the world in Second Life with updates being added as the creators and/or other New Media patrons see fit.


What I chose to do for my bliss assignment is the only thing that seems to put me in a great mood no matter what that the day has decided to throw at me. That is to play music. Playing music makes me feel wonderful in a way that is hard to describe, but I'll do my best. It allows me to go into a zone, in a sense, where everything else is forgotten, and I am only concious of the sounds that I am creating. And because I have finally reached the point where I can really let loose and play what I am feeling and hearing in my head, I often find myself completely oblivious of my surroundings, unless I am trying to play along with something or someone else. My greatest wish would be to make money at playing music, because then I could devote a significantly larger portion of my time to doing what makes me feel the best that I can feel.

We don't know bleep

I found that this movie, though kind of all over the place, expressed a sentiment that I have had for many years. This being that despite all of humanities successes and advancements in science, philosophy, and investigations into religion, we still don't really know anything. One discussion that I always liked to bring up to display this idea is that there is still a debate whether we are the only beings in the universe. After all, we are so far from being able to look into the deep realms of space, much less actually going there, but somehow there are people that are convinced that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe. How can we prove that? That's why I found this movie to be interesting.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm getting the sense that...Day7

The sense that I'm going to write about today is a possible seventh sense. I don't really know what to say about the existance or non-existance of a seventh sense, but the one idea that I can think of at least in my case is that I feel a presence of oncoming doom lurking behind me all the time. I attribute this to the fact that I have so many things going on, so many balls that I am trying to juggle and keep in the air, that I feel as if they could all come crashing down at any moment. This feeling has gotten worse lately, for I have been engaged in this juggling act for number of years now, and I think that my luck may possibly be running out.

I'm getting the sense that...Day6

The sense that I am going to write about today is the famed sixth sense, which I am not sure whether it exists or not. The only thing that I could find that somewhat fits the category is that when I was at work I had an experience which was very familiar. It was a deja-vu of the exact location of certain elements all around me for that 5 second span or so. Other elements that also add to the effect is that I knew what a person was going to say before they said it, and how and where people were going to move for just those few seconds. I'm not sure where these deja-vu's come from, but I have them every once in a while, and they always kind of creep me out.

I'm getting the sense that...Day5

The sense that I'm going to write about today is the final one of the five, smell. I spent the whole day trying to figure out what the smell of locations where I normally am not aware of the smell, smell like. It turned out to be a very hard task, as there is really no smell to be found in locations such as this. But finally I came to the conclusion that the smells of these types of places are more akin to a clean, sterile smell. This made me ponder how we have gotten so used to smells like this that we actually don't pay attention to them anymore. I began to wonder what a person from say 100 years ago would think of the smells of any one of these places since most locations back then didn't have this sterile property to them, and vice-versa, what would we think of the smells of locations back then with our senses of smell that are so used to things smelling good?

I'm getting the sense that...Day4

The next sense that I am going to write about is touch. It actually came to me pretty early in the day this time. It happened after I had fed my daughters lunch, and they were running around and playing while I was getting to the task of cleaning up after them as I have done a million times before. It hit me when I was wiping off their highchairs, and the remnants of their food were hitting the skin on my hand. Normally I just clean up the mess and don't give it a second thought, but it just hit me that, "You know, this is kind of disgusting." They had eaten bananas and sandwiches, but it was really the bananas that made that thought go home. It's funny that when you clean up after your kids it's just part of the day, you get so used to cleaning up nasty messes that you tend to forget that sometimes the mess is kind of gross.

I'm getting the sense that...Day3

The sense that I am going to write about today is sight. The whole day went along as usual, and I was searching for something of note to use for my experience with sight for the day. It took basically the entire day until I had picked up my kids, fed them, and was taking them for a walk around my neighborhood to let them burn off some steam before their bedtime. Then it hit me, as we were walking down the sidewalk, my daughter Kendra was forging ahead like she always does when I called to her to wait for me so she doesn't get too far ahead. When she stopped and turned back to look at me, the image of her standing there with the sun going down behind her struck me in a way that I can't really describe. But it certainly was a special moment for me and I will remember it for a long time to come.

I'm getting the sense that...Day2

The sense that I am going to write about this time is taste. I found that the next day after spending a fair portion of the night at a bar smoking and having a couple of drinks, I awoke with this horrid taste in my mouth that can only be described with one word-disgusting. It actually caused me to get out of bed just to brush my teeth.

I'm getting the sense that...Day1

The first sense that I am going to write about is hearing. I normally just listen to things without giving them too much thought, but when I left school I went to a bar to host an open mic jam, and the moment where I really had an interesting experience was playing with this individual. He was a lone musician who wanted me to back him up by playing lead with him, and its interesting to think back and realize that I completely lost touch with all of my other senses when playing lead with him. I was only aware of the sounds of the music and my place within them, as I improvised to play along with him.